Events at the Center for New Jewish Culture

Events at the Center for New Jewish Culture

The Center for New Jewish Culture produces events through our own curatorial initiatives including events from our signature program, The New Jewish Culture Fellowship. The Center also hosts events with Murmrr Theater as well as with other community partners, in its historic location at 17 Eastern Parkway. 

The Center for New Jewish Culture also hosts weekly Kabbalat Shabbat gatherings, produced by local minyanim. Check each minyan’s website for more information.  

| Nolita Minyan

| Shir HaMaalot

| Brooklyn Jews

| Altshul

New Jewish Culture Fellowship

Abundant, Rich Lives: Returning to the Lesbian Herstory Archives Slideshow

May 14, 2024, 7pm

A conversation between NJCF fellow, writer, curator, and photographer Ariel Goldberg, and longtime activists Alexis Danzig and Deborah Edel. As Lesbian Herstory Archives volunteers and community members, Deb and Alexis each worked closely with the slideshow in the late 1970s through the 1990s. The LHA slideshow was an ongoing project of the Archives that provided countless moments of education, connection, and personal transformation. The event will include a screening of a recently digitized version of Joan Nestle’s version of the LHA slideshow (thanks to Anj Hansen) as well as provide space for memory sharing about the slideshow and the Lesbian Herstory Archives community-building work. This event joins celebrations for the Lesbian Herstory Archives 50 year anniversary by spotlighting the tools and practices of the Archive’s community-building. Ariel, Deb, and Alexis, with special guests, will reflect on media production within lesbian/queer/trans grassroots organizing of the recent past and what it means for today's social movement struggles.

This is a hybrid event. If it's accessible for you, please come in person. All reserved tickets will receive a confirmation email including Zoom information for virtual attendance.